Good Depth At Dog

I took a look at Seth’s ballot picks for the Associated Press All-SEC team over on the Bulldogs Blog. While I disagree with a few of his choices, I understand his reasoning. Kind of. I mean, no A.J.? No, I get it. Based on production, there certainly were other receivers who had better stats. But still. No A.J.?

I’m not here to go through Seth’s choices one by one finding fault or merit in his opinions. Besides, I confess that I don’t exactly keep up with the exploits of every player in the SEC. But I do have one other little nit pick I’d like to bring up.

There’s been a lot of debate concerning which player is more deserving of the Freshman of the Year award. While South Carolina’s tank-like running back, Marcus Lattimore, has certainly played well enough to earn this distinction, many feel that our own Aaron Murray has been equally if not more impressive. We’ve had the chance to watch Murray develop into a very promising talent. At the same time, we all got an uncomfortably close viewing of the talent that Lattimore possesses. So with that in mind, I’d like to name another candidate whom we’ve also had our eyes on for Freshman of the Year:

Yes, Uga VIII will finish with a less than stellar season record. But you have to understand that he’s a rookie, subbed in partway through the season with the not-too-distant memory of a death in the family still lingering. And after taking over for interim mascot, Russ, at the Vanderbilt game, Uga VIII went on to preside over a shutout. Speaking of Russ, yeah, he had a tough run. But he did beat Tech and win a bowl game so I guess it’s like Coach Dooley said during a previous tenure by an interim mascot: “We’ve got good depth at dog”.

Like Aaron Murray and Marcus Lattimore, Uga VIII is young but he continues to show promise from game to game. And, like Russ, he’s undefeated against Tech. Uga VIII for Freshman of the Year, I say.

One more thing. Judging from some of the comments Seth has received regarding his picks, I’d like to offer to him a protective item of my own devising: a flame proof suit of armor.

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